Haus 26 Weissbriach

Weissbriach, Kärnten

While you’re on holiday, you want to enjoy yourself. A different environment to enjoy nature, in spacious and peaceful surroundings together with delicious food. You want to be spoiled while on holiday.

At Haus 26, hospitality is our middle name and we offer everything possible for you, that you can get the best out of your holiday. Please come and feel welcome with us!

We offer cozy and comfortable rooms, designed with local wood, a private bathroom, TV and WIFI. You will also find vegan care products in your room. Vegan bed linen is standard.

100% plant-based breakfast

You will have vegan care products in your room and in the morning you can enjoy a 100% plant-based breakfast. We also offer a culinary 3-course menu in the evening, 100% plant-based.


Haus 26 is located in the small, but lively, village of Weissbriach in the Gitschtal valley. From Weissbriach you can drive to the mountain lakes of Weissensee and Presseggersee, beautiful in all seasons.

The valley is surrounded by scenic forested mountains, some steep and some not so steep. It’s certainly possible to enjoy nature here!

The area is perfect for all kinds of activities throughout all seasons:
Skiing, cross-country skiing, skating, hiking for all levels, mountain biking, rafting, swimming, canyoning, and short and long trips for the active holiday.
Of course relaxing is possible, too, for example enjoy yourself in our wonderful garden.

Cuisine purement végétalienne
Petit déjeuner disponible, Demi-pension disponible
Articles de toilette végétalienne
Accès Internet
Animaux domestiques sur demande
Vélo, Randonnée, Escalade, Sports d'hiver, Sports nautiques, Golf
Langues pratiquées : Anglais, Néerlandais, Français, Allemand
VeggieHotel certifié

Nombre de chambres: 4

Prix par chambre de: 100 EUR

  • avec petit déjeuner

Demande de réservation

Adresse / Contact

Haus 26 Weissbriach

Weissbriach 26
9622 Weissbriach

Téléphone: +43 676 970 1102
